Heat Pumps: Indoor & Outdoor Mounting Options – Denver, CO

Placement Options are Important. . . but Don’t Worry Our Team will Guide You

Our team at The Heat Pump Store can help you decide which unit and mounting option is best for you. Once we identify what makes the most sense for your home, we will professionally install the heat pump unit for you. We have years of experience with installing a variety of indoor and outdoor heating units in many different ways, so you can rely on our HVAC team no matter what your heat pump needs are!


Ground Mounted

This is the typical installation option with regard to the installation of the outdoor unit. We use this method approximately 90 percent of the time. The Heat Pump Store has pioneered several simple ways to make our ground installations stay level and firm for many, many years.

Wall Mounted

This technique is more common in Europe and Asia. We love it because it ensures that the unit stays level and has good draining and airflow. The Heat Pump Store has pioneered several techniques to prevent noise and vibration from being a problem with wall mounted units. This technique is very useful for sloped yards, narrow side yards with limited set-back, and areas with prized landscaping.


Wall Mounted Types

This is the most common type of indoor unit because it is the most affordable, most energy-efficient, and most powerful option. It is also the quietest choice!

Floor Mounted Types

This is a great option as well because we find there are some cases when we cannot use a wall mounted option. For example, floor mounted units are the more preferred choice for attic rooms, rooms with lots of windows, and more. Its great to have this as a fallback.

The Heat Pump Store in Denver, CO

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